Liinear Text

Linear Text

"Digital Text" is a video I watched which is about how text and writing is showing how we are evolving. The content hasn't changed, the form has changed. When we post and tag pictures we are teaching the machine each time we forget a link we teach it an idea. People all around the world are clicking on a web page almost 100 billion times per day. We are in control not the machine, we organize all the data not the machine. "Most early websites were written in HTML. HTML was designed to define the structure of a web document. As HTML expanded, more elements like bold and italics, such elements defined how content would be formatted. In other words form and content became inseparable in HTML." But it was said that digital text can do better. Form and content can be separated. XML was designed to to do just that. XML facilities automated data exchange two sites can "mash" data together. XML + U & Me create a database backed web. A database backed web is different, the web is different, we are the web. Words after "Rethink": copyright, authorship, identity, ethics, aesthetics, rhetories, governance, privacy, commerce, love, family, ourselves. Websites and Application names: Blogger.beta, wikipedia,, flickr maps, and
©Chantise Bowen2011